How to Outline a Novel
Outlining makes the daunting task of writing a novel much less difficult. It’s where you create a story from beginning to end by letting...
Ten Tips for Crafting a Short Story
1. Identify a germ of an idea, which starts with a memory of a problem, a slice-of-life anecdote, a person, or a conflict that resonates...
Write Right: Novel Writing for Beginners
What’s Your Big Idea? What matters to you? What’s your passion? What holds your interest longer than it takes you to read a preview on...
Write Right: Novel Writing for Beginners
In the last Write Right blog, I asked you three questions: Who is your protagonist? What trouble is she or he facing? Where does the...
Master Storyteller
Author Lee Arrowood is a master storyteller. In The Unlikely Adventures of Joe and Nick, he keeps the reader engaged through charming,...
A Powerful Read
In Gone, author Julie Elizabeth Powell draws us into Avalon, an afterlife she sees in her mind’s eye. Filled with wonder, majesty, and...
Write Right: Novel Writing for Beginners
If writing a book seems daunting to you—something you’ve dreamed about accomplishing one day—but you don’t know how to get started—then...
Emotional Clout
If facing a terminal illness, what would you do if given the chance to extend your life a few months by a treatment that will only add to...
A Thought-Provoking Book
Robert Longpré, the author of A Small Company of Pilgrims appears to be an old soul, one who searches for a sense of the true meaning of...
Given Up
Well-written and insightful, Given Up, highlights the joy and heartbreak surrounding the author’s adoption six weeks after she was born...