Write Right: Novel Writing for Beginners

Write Right: Novel Writing for Beginners, published in an ebook, is now available in the paperback version too, as per request. Enjoy!
Editorial Review: Author Lois Stern (Tales2Inspire series)
A Book Packed with Clearly Defined, Easy-to-Digest Relevancy
A woman with a compelling story, but scant writing experience, recently approached me to help her pen her experiences into an equally interesting manuscript. Although focused on novel writing, I suggested she read Write Right, as so much within its covers is equally relevant to nonfiction writers. And so, I now can offer the same advice to writers of all genres. And once you do, first check out the GETTING STARTED section, where, in her chapter, "What's Your Big Idea," Ms. Goddard writes, "Readers are drawn to a book by the way it makes them feel." Such a simple concept, perhaps easy to overlook, but Ms. Goddard brings it home with her personal reminiscence of the day her mother witnessed blatant racial discrimination and took action against it to right a wrong.
And this is the mantra of all polished authors, SHOW, DON'T TELL.
Ms. Goddard continues to SHOW her readers by citing excerpts from well-proven treasured works, such as those from To Kill a Mockingbird, The Push, and her own Charlie's Song, along with pithy statements from beloved authors such as J. K. Rowling, Stephen King, and even Ernest Hemingway, on what makes strong characters.
The final section of Write Right, with chapters on "Perfect Punctuation," "Parts of Speech," and "Effective Editing," might appear simplistic for the seasoned writer, but her final chapter, with techniques from alliteration and allusion to symbolism and understatement, has topics even the most seasoned of authors might incorporate into some of their well-crafted works, just to give them extra punch. I highly recommend this book.
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